Andlay Incorporated
Post Office Box 427, El Granada, CA 94018-0427
General Contractor California License 835074
(650) 562-3922
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Getting Started

Initial Consultation
Call Andlay Inc. today and we'll spend an hour with you discussing your ideas, reviewing any plans you may already have, explaining our process and determining if together, we are a good match. The initial hour is free and we will be happy to meet with you.

Design and Construction Contract
After we have our initial meeting and agree we are a good match, we'll present our construction and/or design contract. We'll mutually agree on the terms and conditions and sign the contracts. If you already have plans, we'll move onto providing you an estimate. If you don't have plans, we'll start with the design and budget phase.

Budgets, Estimates and Bids

Why is a budget important?
Most people have no idea how much to budget for a building project, or how much things cost to build. Establishing a budget is very important. The last thing you want is to have plans drawn, and then find out the plans are way too expensive! Contact us now for help developing a realistic budget that will achieve your objectives.

Need an Estimate?
An estimate is a ball park figure we develop to let you know roughly what the costs are of construction or for something you've been dreaming about. If you have an idea for a project, we are happy to get together with you and help you clarify your vision and develop a wish list. We can give you an estimate so you can see if your project will be affordable for you. Costing out your wish list is one of the first steps in the design/build process.

It's risky to choose a contractor based on an estimate alone. Going with the lowest bid may cost you more in the long run. Before making a decision about awarding a job based on an estimate, consider the experience and reputation of the general contractor and check out some references. We will be happy to provide you with a list of references of satisfied customers.

Contact us about an estimate.

Need a Bid?
A bid is a fixed price to complete a specific project based on a complete set of plans and specifications developed by an architect or by Andlay Inc.

If you have a complete set of plans, please contact us or have your architect contact us and we will develop a detailed bid and construction schedule. The bid typically takes 3 - 5 weeks to develop.

Things to Keep in Mind
You may already be aware that every addition or remodel creates some degree of disorder, dust, uncertainty and inconvenience. You may feel that the sub-contractors are living with you! We are sensitive to this situation, and our goal is to make the process as smooth and painless as possible. Our super-competent and reliable team will work efficiently and effectively to get the job done, and will leave your home clean at the end of each day. Our crews are the kind of folks you will feel comfortable having around.

If anything unexpected arises during the construction, we can suggest creative solutions based on our many years of experience. Our company's infrastructure ensures that your project moves forward on schedule and on budget.

Contact us now if you have an addition or remodel you would like a plan for, or if you would like an estimate or bid.

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Please contact (650) 562-3922 for more information.